Heirloom Gourmet Foods

Heirloom Gourmet Foods represents family.

How often does a great idea start at the kitchen table? For mother and son team Annette and Mark, that’s where Heirloom Gourmet Foods was born.

In 2020, just as Covid hit Australia, over a roast (lamb of course) they started talking about their Grandma Polly Fox, running her life on a sheep station in rural Victoria with seven kids underfoot. Polly’s love of cooking was legendary in the family and this legacy has continued through each generation. Her handwritten recipes are a treasured reminder of a time gone by, when ingredients came straight from the kitchen garden and excitement from defeating snakes in the house.

Mark and Annette realised there was nothing, and we mean NOTHING, like their Grandma Polly’s mint drizzle on the market. The depth of flavour, all natural ingredients, made in Australia with a proud Aussie heritage. An idea began to brew: to create bespoke quality products based on traditional recipes but with a twist to appeal to the modern palate.

Heirloom Gourmet Foods is an Australian born, family-owned company. From its origins in Polly’s kitchen to the entrepreneurial mother and son team — working together to build a gourmet food business that rests on the foundations of quality, value for money, versatility and integrity.

Our Values

Heirloom Gourmet Foods has a vivid character and flavor uniquely its own (you could say we’re a lot like Grandma Polly).

We believe in old fashioned values of integrity, honesty and transparency; they are the cornerstone of everything we do.

For us, it’s paramount our products are made from fresh, locally sourced, and sustainable products. We want you to love everything about us — from how our products taste and how they’re made; your whole experience from start to finish.

It’s not lip service. We live it, we breath it, it’s simply who we are and aspire to be.

It’s in the kitchen where the warmth of shared memories, laughter, and life create a recipe that spans the generations

Join us at the table

Do you want to sell our drizzle? We know you do…and it’s as easy as pulling up a chair and clicking here